Season 3 Episode 10: Ernesto
En este capítulo, Ernesto comparte que no tiene una historia de “salida del closet”. Afirma que siempre se le ha permitido expresarse y ser libremente desde joven. Ernesto también comparte algunas ideas personales sobre ser gay en Oaxaca, específicamente desde su pueblo natal de Zaachila. Compara ser gay en Zaachila con la ciudad de Oaxaca para explorar cómo están conectadas la vida gay rural y urbana. Ernesto termina con una mirada positiva hacia la vida en la que comparte que está viviendo una vida feliz, saludable y plena sin ningún obstáculo después de darse cuenta de que la vida es demasiado corta como para preocuparse por lo que puedan pensar los demás.
In this episode, Ernesto shares that he does not have a “coming-out” story. He states that he has always been allowed to freely express himself and be since a youth. Ernesto also shares some personal insights of being gay in Oaxaca, specifically from his hometown of Zaachila. He compares being gay in Zaachila to Oaxaca City in order to explore how rural and urban queer life are connected. Ernesto concludes with an optimistic perspective on life, expressing that he is now living happily and free from self-doubt. He emphasizes the importance of embracing life fully, having realized that it's too short to concern himself with others' opinions.
In this episode, Ernesto shares that he does not have a “coming-out” story. He states that he has always been allowed to freely express himself and be since a youth. Ernesto also shares some personal insights of being gay in Oaxaca, specifically from his hometown of Zaachila. He compares being gay in Zaachila to Oaxaca City in order to explore how rural and urban queer life are connected. Ernesto concludes with an optimistic perspective on life, expressing that he is now living happily and free from self-doubt. He emphasizes the importance of embracing life fully, having realized that it's too short to concern himself with others' opinions.