Season 3 Episode 9: Oliver
Hoy Oliver nos comparte su experiencia al hacer realidad sus propios deseos gay mientras crecía en la región mixteca. Su historia incluye experiencias de abuso sexual y posterior terapia. Específicamente, Oliver analiza cómo desarrolló una identidad gay masculina que desafió los tropos comunes que posicionan a los hombres homosexuales como afeminados en los entornos sociales de Huahuapan. Oliver también nos guía a través de su adolescencia, experimentando su primera relación romántica, los intentos de su familia de convertirlo a través del trabajo y su búsqueda de una nueva vida gay como adulto en la ciudad de Oaxaca.
In this episode, Oliver shares his experience of realizing his own queer desires while growing up in the Mixteca region. Their story includes experiences of sexual abuse and later undergoing therapy. Specifically, Oliver discusses how he developed a masculine gay identity that challenged the common tropes which position gay men as effeminate in the social settings of Huahuapan. Oliver also guides us through his adolescence of experiencing his first romantic relationship, his family’s attempts at conversion through labor, and him finding a new queer life as an adult in Oaxaca City.
In this episode, Oliver shares his experience of realizing his own queer desires while growing up in the Mixteca region. Their story includes experiences of sexual abuse and later undergoing therapy. Specifically, Oliver discusses how he developed a masculine gay identity that challenged the common tropes which position gay men as effeminate in the social settings of Huahuapan. Oliver also guides us through his adolescence of experiencing his first romantic relationship, his family’s attempts at conversion through labor, and him finding a new queer life as an adult in Oaxaca City.